Christmas Markets in Bologna
Lights, scents, colors and flavors typical of this beautiful time of year fill out Bologna’s streets with these typical open-air Christmas markets, find them out!
Lights, scents, colors and flavors typical of this beautiful time of year fill out Bologna’s streets with these typical open-air Christmas markets, find them out!
Where to eat the best Lasagne al ragù Bolognese, the most famous regional dish filled with fresh genuine ingredients and done from homemade pasta sfoglia in 5 restaurants of Bologna city centre.
Where to go for the best Italian espresso in Bologna? No doubt, my favourite is caffè Terzi!
It’s a tiny coffee shop in the city centre of Bologna where many usual local customers crowd the bar every day to enjoy their cup of coffee.
It’s finally spring, sun and warm temperatures make people want to spend some hours outdoors despite the harsh restrictions by the government for Easter weekend. But there is a fantastic place in the outskirts of Bologna where is possible to go and breath spring air for a while.
It opened today in Via dell’arcoveggio 58/60 a big tulip garden that people can visit to pick tulips. It sounds incredible but it’s true.
Salumeria Bruno e Franco is a landmark for locals who crowd the shop every day to buy the best delicacies for which Emilia Romagna is famous. Warmly welcomed by Franco, the owner, you can find regional cheese, salumi, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a big variety of fresh pasta made by Grazia, Martina and their team of sfogline in a small pasta factory, a few steps from the shop.
You can discover the culture and the history of a country just by tasting its most famous products. It is not a usual tourist tour: eating and discovering a city is one of the best ways to appreciate it.
Crescentina, is another delicacy from the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. It is one of Italy’s most famous and appreciate recipe.
Crescentina is a really simple recipe: it is some bread dough fried that you can have with any sort of sliced cured meat (salame, mortadella, prosciutto, etc.) or soft cheese (gorgonzola, stracchino, mozzarella, etc.). But it is also delicious on its own.
Aceto Balsamico, or balsamic vinegar as you might know it, is one of the finest seasoning out there.
Traditionally, the best in the world is produced just a few miles from Bologna, in Modena and Reggio Emilia.READ MORE
There’s a common misconception about a “trattoria” and an “osteria” being sort of the same thing. In fact, there are many Italian people who can’t tell the difference themselves. After all, they’re both restaurants, aren’t they? Well, not quite.
So let’s try to clear that up!