

Do you want to know more about local food, restaurants, events in Emilia Romagna?

What to do and what to see in Bologna?! Check our posts on our blog!

Best cafè in Bologna: Caffè Terzi

Where to go for the best Italian espresso in Bologna? No doubt, my favourite is caffè Terzi!

It’s a tiny coffee shop in the city centre of Bologna where many usual local customers crowd the bar every day to enjoy their cup of coffee.


A huge tulip garden in Bologna countryside: TuliPark opened today

It’s finally spring, sun and warm temperatures make people want to spend some hours outdoors despite the harsh restrictions by the government for Easter weekend. But there is a fantastic place in the outskirts of Bologna where is possible to go and breath spring air for a while.

It opened today in Via dell’arcoveggio 58/60 a big tulip garden that people can visit to pick tulips. It sounds incredible but it’s true.


Window of shop Bruno e Franco in Bologna

Where to buy the best fresh pasta and salumi in Bologna : Salumeria Bruno e Franco

Salumeria Bruno e Franco is a landmark for locals who crowd the shop every day to buy the best delicacies for which Emilia Romagna is famous. Warmly welcomed by Franco, the owner, you can find regional cheese, salumi, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a big variety of fresh pasta made by Grazia, Martina and their team of sfogline in a small pasta factory, a few steps from the shop.


Concert in Bologna

The 5 Best Live Music Bars in Bologna

Talking about Bologna without mentioning the fervent musical scene that distinguishes this city, is practically impossible.
Especially since 2006, when it was declared a “Creative City of Music” by UNESCO, a title also recognized in the cities of Seville, Glasgow, Bogota and Gent.

Walking through the streets of the city center, the streets of Bologna makes us understand what music culture represents for this city.